
Curecon Double A is a water-based, aliphatic alcohol finishing compound designed for use on plastic (freshly poured and screeded) concrete. It reduces the evaporation of water during finishing operations. Curecon AA will not normally interfere with subsequent toppings, tiling, render, surface coatings etc. that are often used in industry. Note Curecon AA is NOT a curing compound - Curecon W, W30, PW, PW30, BE or A are water based curing compounds complying with AS3799.


  • Reduces evaporation of water from the concrete surface
  • Improves finishing properties in adverse weather conditions
  • Reduces shrinkage cracking through premature drying
  • Does not interfere with after trades
  • Dries clear
  • Ideal for:

  • Reducing evaporation of water during finishing operations

    Surface Preparation:

    Pre-dilute with clean water, at a rate 1 part Curecon Double A to 9 parts water by volume. Stir the mixture thoroughly prior to application.


    Curecon Double A may 'layer' when stored for extended periods of time. Stir thoroughly before use. It is recommended that mixed Curecon Double A is not stored. Mix only that amount of product likely to be needed for each application.


    Apply using a low pressure backpack type spray, at a coverage rate of 5-7m2/L. immediately after screeding. Curecon Double A should be re-applied each time the surface is broken (i.e. screed, bull float, troweling). Do not apply Curecon Double A to surfaces with excessive bleed.

    Clean Up:

    Clean all equipment with water prior to the coating drying. Use methylated spirit and turps, 50/50 if Curecon Double A has dried..


    stored in the original unopened containers in a cool dry place.


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