
<p>Sika Grout 212 HP is a blend of Portland cement, aggregates and admixtures, enabling it to achieve high strength in short times. This makes SikaGrout 212 HP suitable for grouting fixing bolts and anchors or bedding machinery in the most demanding of circumstances. It is a ready mixed, high quality, Portland cement that expands in two stages to counteract the shrinkage normally associated with Portland cement grouts. </p><p> </p><p><b>Features:</b></p> <li>Shrinkage compensating properties, classed as a non-shrink grout as per CRD-C 621-81</li><li>High early strength; high 28 day strength</li><li>Good flow characteristics</li><li>Adjustable consistency</li><li>Does not segregate or bleed</li><li>Good impact and thermal resistance</li><li>Non corrosive to steel or iron</li><li>Lab tested in accordance with AS 1478.2</li> </p><p><b>Ideal for:</b></p> <li>Machine bedplates</li><li>Anchor bolts</li><li>Bridge bearing pads</li><li>Pre-cast concrete sections</li><li>Cavities, gaps and recesses</li> </p><h2>APPLICATION</h2> <p><b>Surface Preparation:</b></p><p> All surfaces must be clean, sound and free from dust, ice, oils, grease or other surface contaminants such as curing membranes and form release agent etc. Bolt holes and fixing pockets should be free of dirt and debris by air blasting. For maximum bond, surfaces should be abraded or roughened, preferably by mechanical means such as needle gun, grit blasting, grinding etc. All prepared surfaces must be saturated with water several hours prior to grouting, ensuring it is free of any surface water or puddles. </p><p>Formwork should be arranged so that the grout head is maintained on the side above the level of the underside of the base plate. This will allow gravity flow to completely fill the void to be grouted. Formwork should be coated with form oil to allow easy removal of forms. Ensure adequate air holes are provided. </p> <p><b>Mixing:</b></p><p> SikaGrout 212 HP must be mechanically mixed using a mechanical grout mixer or a suitable drum mixer. The grout mixer will reduce the chances of the mix becoming lumpy or aerated. Smaller quantities should be mixed using an electric drill and spiral drill and spiral mixer at a speed of approximately 500 rpm. To acheive a plastic grout consistency, add 2.8 litres of water per 20 kg bag. To acheive a flowable grout, add 3.7 litres of water per 20kg bag. Mix 3-5 minutes and allow to stand so any entrapped air can escape. Do not add more water to increase flow of the grout if a mix has stiffened due to time delays. </p> <p><b>Placement:</b></p><p> SikaGrout can be placed by gravity flow or by pump. Refer to the Technical Data Sheet for advice. Note that the recommended thickness of SikaGrout-212 HP in one pour is 20 mm to 50 mm. Minimum thickness is 10mm. Coarse aggregate can be added to mixed SikaGrout-212 HP to achieve a stronger grout, to increase the thickness of grout placed in one pass, or to increase yield.</p><p>Suitable curing methods such as plastic sheet, wet hessian, liquid membrane must be used to protect the freshly applied grout from the drying effects of sun and wind. Curing must commence immediately after placement, and continue for at least 7 days. Curing is vital to the ultimate performance of grout as it allows optimum strength development and ensures tight contact with the baseplate. </p><p><b>Clean Up:</b> </p><p> Remove uncured SikaGrout-212HP from tools and equipment with water. Hardened material can only be removed mechanically. </p><b>Storage:</b><p> Shelf life is at least 9 months in original unopened containers. </p><b>Yield:</b><p> A 20kg bag yields 10 litres of plastic grout, or 11 litres of flowable grout. To cover 1 cubic metre, 96 bags are required if using a plastic consistency, or 88 bags if using a flowable consistency.

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